Job Bank

Job postings are provided as a resource for PAFP members. If your company has an open position, please read our Job Posting Guidelines below.

If you are interested in a particular opportunity listed on our page, please contact the company as directed in the specific posting. Job postings will remain on our page for approximately 60 days. PAFP assumes no responsibility for the content or availability of any job posted on this page.


Financial Controller 

All Fill, Inc
Exton PA

Nov 1, 2024

Vice President, Finance and Accounting 

DiverseForce for the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey

Nov 1, 2024

Director of Finance 

Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Aston PA

Nov 1, 2024


Job Posting Guidelines

This is a free service and is provided as a benefit to our membership. There is no charge to employers or to search firms to post a open position. Job postings should be of interest to treasury, finance, and accounting professionals in the Delaware Valley. Relevant jobs in locations outside the Delaware Valley will also be accepted if the employer is willing to consider candidates from this area.

To post a job, email Joe Balent, PAFP Board President: [email protected] 

Include the following information in the email or in an attached document (Word or other compatible document type).

Position Title is required. Salary and benefit information is optional
The Organization: Name of Employer, or general description of company and location if a blind search. We can include a link to the corporate website.
Responsibilities: Brief description of job responsibilities.
Requirements: Education and Experience required
Other: Any other relevant information.
Contact: Name of contact for this position.
Phone, FAX, email: Any or all of these methods of contact that you want to provide.

We normally post positions within 48-hours of receipt. The post will remain for 60 days unless otherwise notified. All employers posting on the this website must comply with Federal EEOC regulations. We reserve the right to refuse to post any position submitted.